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online jobs for english speakers

Top 7 Online Jobs for English Speakers

In the age of remote work, many people are seeking new career pathways that offer competitive salaries and flexibility. Luckily, there are a wide range of options available to English speakers seeking to earn a living working online.

Catapult Your UX Writing Career

Catapult Your UX Writing Career in 6 Steps

Nnow that you’ve secured the gig you should be thinking about how you’re going to level up. How are you going to not just be good at your job, but build yourself a reputation so positive that they won’t want to risk losing you?

6 Reasons to Learn UX Writing in 2022

If you’re interested in writing, tech, user experience, or how people think and engage with products, UX writing could be a perfect fit. Here are 6 reasons to learn UX writing in 2022.

6 Ways to Improve Your UX Writing in 5 Minutes a Day

You may feel like your life is too busy to work on improving your UX writing skills, but there are lots of simple tasks that can lead to leaps forward in your UX writing practice. Even if you can only spare 5 minutes a day, the ideas in this article can help you build your UX writing skills.

Creating a UX Writing and Content Design Brief

Freelancers, agency workers, and temporary UX writers all face the challenge of coming to grips with company values and project goals quickly. A well-formulated brief can make a huge difference—both to the success of the project and to everyone’s general well-being. Here’s what we have learned from creating briefs for our Academy students.