UX Writing Weekly #161

Annoying necessity or dark pattern in disguise?
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This week, it’s all about cookies. No, the other kind.


Issue #161 (Dec 8th, 2021)
  • Cookie consent pop-ups
  • The death of 3rd-party cookies and what lies ahead
  • Microsoft Edge puts a smack-down on Chrome
  • Free live UX writing event tomorrow


🍪 Cookie consent pop-ups: some people hate them, while others just hate them. Not only are they a UX nightmare and a dark pattern, tricking and annoying users into consent, but they’re also largely ineffectual. Sites are still placing trackers on devices even before users’ consent, with “many of the biggest publishers potentially violating their readers’ privacy ... by giving them a false notion of control.” Fun.

Cookie compliance efforts continue to fall short even three years after GDPR

🥠 But change is coming. In 2023, Google will effectively eliminate 3rd-party cookies by changing a default Chrome setting. But is Google doing this out of respect for user privacy, or is there an ulterior motive? “Federated Learning Cohorts” and more in:

Internet Advertising Is About to Change. Here's What Consumers Need to Know.

🚫 OK, if you’re sick of all those very undelicious cookies ruining your web experience, this article has some handy tips, tricks, and tools that you can add to your browser right now. Less digital cookies, more real cookies.

How to bypass and block infuriating cookie popups


Speaking of browsers, things are getting heated in the browser wars. Check out these messages from Edge when you try to download Chrome. Children, play nice! 😅



Think you’ve got what it takes to navigate ambiguous cookie consent pop-up language and protect your imperiled privacy rights. Play now!

Cookie Consent Speed.Run


Hot topics and trending posts from community members. Join the conversations below!


Free UX writing event tomorrow:
Join Elly Searle of CrowdStrike who will guide us in using customer-centric language for better B2B experiences: UX Writing for a Better B2B Experience (Tomorrow, Dec 9th)

A fascinating conversation with Colin M. Gray of Purdue University about the past, present, and future of dark patterns. From the non-digital roots of manipulative design to motivating businesses to stop using them, and much more: What you didn’t know about dark patterns


Aussies love a good bikkie for brekkie (biscuit/cookie for breakfast), almost as much as they love replacing the endings of words with “ie.” (Yes, “selfie” came from Australia.) Turns out Woolworths is “Woolies” down under. 😂

And as always:


Kasandra Staniscia is a Bay Area content strategist who turns cluttered sites into streamlined user experiences. No surprise then that her portfolio is crisp and clean.



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See you next week!

— Written and curated by Yuval Keshtcher, Aaron Raizen, and the UX Writing Hub team —

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