The Wonderful World of Naming with Anthony Shore @ Operative Words

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Anthony Shore, award-winning linguist and CO at Operative Words, shares his process  crafting the best titles to signify brands and ideas in six words or fewer. 

Ever wonder what it was like to be a UX writer in 1994? Drawing from his decades of experience writing in tech, Anthony gives us a window into his lifetime of obsession with words, from reading the dictionary for fun as a child to the role that linguistic analysis tools play in his naming agency’s writing practice.

Anthony shares:

  • His journey from linguist to typesetting to tech writing
  • How computational linguistics tools can enhance the writing process
  • What it was like to be a UX writer in the 1990s
  • Best practices for naming new products and features

About Anthony

Anthony Shore is an award winning linguist and Chief Operative at Operative Words. He has introduced over 250 product and company names to the world over his 30-year career. 


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